Ligma appears to be such a small scale disease, but it completely distorts your perception of reality. Read up before attempting to protect a client, B-lister.
You fraudulent fool, SIBF’s treatment has nothing to do with Ligma! You have been caught lying yet again, and frankly I’m not sure if the judge should continue listening to this clearly bogus attempt at persecuting my client.
I have never once said in my life, that Roselight was winning. This is a clear attempt at slander that I will not stand for.
court session ended a day ago brah you lost the session because you never replied!!!
also nerd emoji + over 10 words + jailed + you lost court + ratio + bad db villain + roselight losing + cryo with vetex + you have ligma + false information spreader + caught red handed
there’s this fatass in my math class named luke, who I swear to god is an actual little shit because he constantly teases me behind my back and whenever I hear him he acts all innocent and sweet
I never realized fat people could make for genuinely awful bullies but alas here we are
anyways at least I’m not alone in hating him but god he really grinds my gears
Don’t call me out like that-
(Don’t actually have an anime pfp, but still.)
Part of me genuinely worries that I’m manipulative, though. Like, I fully understand what way to act around people I know to get the best result for me. I know that by doing so I’m typically more trusted, and that friends will take my side more often and cut me slack. I feel like I’m a good person, but at the same time I don’t think that a good person should think of themselves as such, and should definitely not be aware of how to act in such a way as to manipulate others.
If you’re worrying about being manipulative, you probably aren’t manipulative
Seems like you’re just highly self-aware of your motivations and reasons for doing things, and the fact that you worry that you’re manipulative is testament enough to at least some measure of good inside you
and in a way, everyone is manipulative, because we desire others to see versions of ourselves that we project and hide the secrets we don’t want shown, we steer conversations towards and away topics, get closer or farther from friends and strangers
when people look me in the eye after doing the weirdest shit. I will watch them pull a dudes trousers down and try to pull his pants down, and theyll look at me like we 're equals
When people start rambling on and on and i have to just listen. Like, bro idc.
The worst one
Mfs who just cant learn a lesson. Some people need to be humbled by force. They can be the most annoying people ever, or be total dip#####, and get humbled. And they’ll still be dip##### or annoying as hell