Raimon's Studio and Writing Thread

My thread where I post my roblox studio stuff and also writings
Inspired by JTN and Blackphanter (Debyl)


Abyss Sea Writing Archive

Alriss Chasm
[ABYSS SEA] Tavern Rumors
[ABYSS SEA] The Inevitability of Fate
[Abyss Sea] Clan Survival guide: Claw Island analysis (I felt the call of writing)

Raimon Xhu's Backstory Arc

The guy deserves one tbh
[ABYSS SEA] It's just politics

Winged Thunder
Arc 0

([Abyss Sea] The Winged Thunder [chapter 0.5 because I can't think of plot hooks right now])

Arc 1

In progress, just need to finish some studio stuff first

Arc 2

Hopefully I’ll start this in mid/late 2025


(NGL Elebon is probably gonna get a rework sometime)


Pog, we look forward to your creations :]

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Tony Stark Meme GIFs | Tenor

we wuv u Jarvix <3


I keep seeing all these new Roblox character threads poppin’ up

is making AO character rigs like easy to do or something? how can I start?


Model I made a month ago



Cloak uses Equinox Magic and 2 spirit weapon books, and Dagger uses Light magic, Shadow magic, 2 khopesh, and a dagger (lol). Also they’re twins btw


I don’t really get “shower thoughts” as I get “Trying to go to sleep thoughts”

On a note that is more or less related, I’m going to (less frequently) do an arc about my boy Raimon Xhu, just without images (for the first ones at least, who knows what’ll happen in the future)

Also, I’m planning to add some stuff to the Alriss Chasm model

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Raimon Xhu models, with and without imbue

Unfortunanly I had to improvise some textures for the imbue and cape but they look kinda alright

Happy thanksgiving yall

do you think the bottom part of vetex also tastes like turkey or that it would actually be red meat? would there be a solid line where the meat changes in his body or would it kind of blend? could you make a thanksgiving and christmas roast with one carcass?

I think I cooked with this one

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Its a hat

I dunno, somethings keeping it from rotting implying it’s living flesh, meaning it’s attached to his head

The turkey is controlling vetex like kenjaku or something

convincing, but i headcanon he’s full turkey


new rig alert


Abyssal Iron set