Rare General Julian Fanart

Story wise I’d need to read what the story Vetex wrote for each segment of the game actually says. Alternatively, we wait for the Vetex book to see how much the MC actually struggled. Although it might’ve been quite a bit since we didn’t even try to dodge Julians attack, but instead we just ran like 3 feet.

I really doubt the mc didn’t struggle at all considering its an actual bossfight and not just a slightly tougher enemy

Vetex described Lady Carina as more of a mini-boss when talking about the story iirc (on the forums too)
Hence why Carina never had much build-up, and also why I’m skeptical if Carina actually challenged the MC in any major way.
Found it

Considering how the mc gets immediately bodied afterwards without putting up any of a fight, I’m extremely doubtful that she didn’t do anything to the mc. That or Julius is just in a whole league of his own and stronger than the king

He is a curse user, the King is not, and the King has their own issues when it comes to power (being a savant). Nevertheless, there was an Ash Curse user back in AA, and that Ash Curse user (Arsen) had 18750 HP back in AA (using an AA video as a reference) and was level 1250. King Calvus has 4500, or around 4x less HP than Arsen. Arsen’s attacks in that same video did 319 DoT with Ash (Ash in AA did DoT damage) and this ticked 10 times (+1 on hit) for a total of 3,509 damage from 1 small blast.

Both Julian and Arsen in AO are basic magic curse users, and if Arsen is anything to go by then he could 2 shot Calvus. Now, I’m not gonna say that Julian is as strong as Arsen, but if he is even half as strong then he can 4 shot Calvus let alone us (half as strong for the attack results in it doing 1754.5 damage).

So, yes, Julian can mop the floor with us and is likely on an entirely different league to the King himself since he isn’t a curse user. Now, chances are, if we DO fight Julian it’s gonna be one weakened from fighting Morden with his death curse (I imagine Death magic has a more lasting effect than glass).

Regardless, I will maintain that Carina is mini-boss so it’d be weird if lore wise she was literally no challenge for the player. At that point making her a regular enemy or doing her like Revon would’ve made more sense if that was the case