Recommend Me Depressing Stuff



made in abyss

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I can’t stop crying from how emotionally devastating this is.

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Any of the daily church of iris posts in game

When I was a boy, the smell of pork emanating from me was so bad because of well, well, the reason’s unimportant, it was part of a different emotionally scarring backstory. I’m not getting into… regardless, the smell of pork was so bad, that no one would come near me. So one day the carnival came to town and I needed money because of, well, another backstory that, basically my parents disowned me, I was being raised by ocelots. The point is, I had to get a job at the carnival, but the only work was at the dunking booth, and not as the guy who got dunked, I was what they threw to dunk him, which is, again, a whole other backstory. Okay, long backstory short, I got a balloon at the carnival, I drew a face on him, I sprayed him with special “Life-Long-Lasting” spray I created, and I named him Balloony. He became my best friend in the whole world, yadda yadda yadda. Then one tragic day, when I was protecting our garden as a lawn gnome, whatever, you remember that backstory. Balloony started floating away. I tried to reach out and grab him, but… “BEWEGEN SI NICHT!!!” And I never saw Balloony again.

You want sad? I’ll give you sad.

lobotomy corp

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Dude I just finished reading that, pairs well with the “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia” theme.

Never thought my friend’s thumbnail would be here, lmao.


More specifically the albums Kid A and Moon Shaped Pool

The Bends and OK Computer are bops. Not really depressing but I listen to them a lot when I’m pissed. It helps me clear my mind

lisa: the painful RPG




look in the mirror


To be honest good morning hit a lot harder then my time

and limbus company, it’s sequel’s sequel

chapter 3 is “fun” ( there are some gore tho, if you are uneased by those )

idk about library of ruina ( lobotomy corp’s sequel i believe ) since ive never played it but it came from the same dev and people say the game is good so maybe you should also give it a try

The Bone Witch trilogy by Rin Chupeco, a fantasy lovers dream, i cried multiple times reading it

king calvus no hit, yes it is possible

just put a bunch into agility, i got through his 1st phase with like 95% of my health intact

and, most importantly, dodge the damn barrage of his 2nd phase, that shts hurts even more than the pillar thing most of the time

onto the topic:

just do what i do everyday and imagine fake scenarios to absolutely wreck you emotionally :nod:

Osana Reimu, It’s touhou related but you don’t have to even know what a touhou is to have your soul crushed by the ending
Also related to touhou is KKHTA, which I wouldn’t admit watching, considering that it is basically Neon Genesis levels of mindfuck and “What the fuck is going on” most of the time

OMORI is an excellent Physiological Horror and even the good ending has a somewhat sad/ tragic feeling

Lisa the Painful and Lisa the Joyful are really fucking dark and the ending is painful in both games

Mother 3 is Mother 3

There are probably some others but those are the 5 i can think off at the top of my head