Redwake’s Chief (Headcanon Design)

nah this do be fireman-


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Was kinda seeing him with a beard… And no shorts… Kinda because vetex does that with the strong guy we meet (theos,oswald,minotaur etc)

Still doe. Pretty good

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q u a k i n g

oh shit thanks for the design notes

No problem,

s h a r k n a d o

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Oh shit this is actually similar to how I envisioned him
gg BNT


ight, random rambling time

since my urge to draw him rose during the night before drawing this, I thought of some of the design traits while struggling to sleep

  • red and white color scheme I guess?
  • thin black irises
  • trident mmm
  • some marks on the face that kinda look like shark gills image

and then I left the rest to myself on the next day since I kinda fell asleep while doing that

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