Remaining potions

clams, colossal clams, what would that change in the non duration potions

Clearing fog is the best use for that tho, i cant see shit when that is out

Clams only make drinkable potions.

But what would the higher tiers do?

Higher tiers of what?

i know
so what does it change

of clams


some of these potions can even mimic things that mages can do

imagine a vindicator warrior with an electric potion…

I dont wanna…

what does potency do

Doesn’t the reagent affect the potency

No?? Idk

Idk know for sure but I think it acts like a multiplier.
Using rare shore items creates a “potion” type which has 1x potency, but common shore items make “vials” which have 0.5x potency, so are half as effective.

Reagent will affect the effect of the potion, but won’t change the potency value seen in game.

Using 1x T1 Reagent obviously will make a less powerful potion than 10x T2 Reagents, but Idk how much they affect it by.

– Description of catalysts on patreon post

Interchange potion is also going to be limited to being a drinking potion afaik since throwing a stat reset at people seems a little busted

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Grinding to lvl 1000 only to have some lvl 50 alchemist ruin it all in one potion :skull:

We perform in a little bit of tomfoolery