how would it even work though?
At the very least vetex should move it to be on the to do list after ao’s release imo. Theres already so much new content and theres still more being added so the community is prolly gonna be satisfied for atleast 3 months giving vetex more than enough time to relax and work on a mobile update and we get to enjoy the game earlier
Win-win situation
thin recent
thin recent
recent lost weight
new leak
are the enemy npcs at islands still random or are they premade? if they’re premade, i dont get why they need names. just my view
npc still standing after hes dead, what a chad
Reminder to me stop delaying and getting a sunken sword for once
thats a one piece reference
Allow me to point out that there’s only 3 more XL steps in the To Do list, one being weapon skills. (I mean there’s always only been 3 but now that it’s at 68% complete, it feels a lot closer.)
etex should do mobile compatability like 3 months after release or shouldn’t even make mobile compatibility
Change my mind
does that mean iris is just gonna make a fire arena
Mobile users are brats using their moms phone, they will find the game too complicated and they will dislike it
i think it was said somewhere that the game is still meant to mainly be played on pc, mobile is mainly meant for side activities like fishing or exploring, but with the option of combat
it’d be good to just chest farm without having to go onto my PC
So am i
Alright so I now know that guns are getting a dash grab.
You can still do the minotaur thing with axes.
Swords create tornados??? (maybe a specific weapon’s ability since that seems sorta odd???)
Claws shoot projectiles.
What’s next?
swords shooting lazers?
Nah, sword summons volcano and creates new wilderness island.