Its legit in the name
so they get to play the game before everyone? Thats all?
And you have to prove yourself how good you can be a moderator by gaining trust levels however
No shit
Yes, and they report things they find to Vetex. It’s crucial to have testers because it means player input without having to release unfinished content to everyone
whats a moderator
They moderate
And patrol the forums
Here this is you
You don’t have to be on forums for tester. You don’t have to be a mod for tester. Why are you bringing up mods? Also nice grammar
Nice spelling.
I’m convinced already this is an Rb1 alt
I’m on phone
Ah k also L mobile user
I’m at school
Correct but don’t mods have tester?
I don’t think so
I know there’s some mods that have tester but not all of them do, they’re 2 different things
Obviously? I never said they don’t have tester.