Reminders for AO (Part 1)

That would be sick but i feel like they will have no trading use :frcryin:

Rip gold/silver bullets and arrows got nerfed again

I bet they probably got over buffed and were toned down


Im just going to pray to vetex he wont do a .100

How good is that move at close range?

Good but nothing groundbreaking. About as efficient as 20% blast except less about aim more about proximity.

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Yeah it made piercing shot do damage much more ridiculous than it already does, it was pretty significant of a buff.

1.8.70 now published

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posters gone…


sad dragon guild noises

I liked the posters

Posters being gone is not that bad. Removing the personal accessories and personal clan armor, that would suck.

At least you got leaderboard :skull:

Not for long

I believe I heard how the leaderboard will have 50 guilds instead of 10.

are we talking about the posters in towns or the guild leaderboad


What do you think?