Reminders for AO (Part 1)


That’s probably what vetex was referring too and not the suggestion now that I think about it.

In that snapshot, vetex didn’t even reference the suggestion and God_Z was not clear on that.

I mean when you think about it, cargo and piracy are both planned in AO… but he didn’t specifically mention this suggestion, hell, he might not have even seen it yet

he’s been on the forum looking at things, just not talking. i’m sure he would’ve seen it, over 100 votes should get his attention.

anyways, blasts got buffed


:crab: galleons are now real :crab:

Hell yea mouse lock

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Well, he did it, built-in ESP should be no more:

why did the blast cooldown get buffed wtf now they’re just gonna spam the living shit out of it until the user is dead
unless the made the magic energy cost higher

He made the cooldown start after you fire the spell, instead of starting when you press the button.
If it starts after the endlag, there would be more waiting between blasts than there is currently, because I think a blasts holds you in place for more than 0.5 seconds.

He changed the magic circles :frcryin:

Its AA all over again Q spam to death

I KNEW lightning was broken (in a bad way)!

Screen Shot 2020-11-09 at 5.50.36 pm


that was fast

btw we are a 1/3 through the update



also does anyone know what the two tasks that got deleted were

I know for sure he deleted skybox transitions for sunset.

He probably deleted sea challenges too

w h a t

the map is gone now :pensive:

Thanos snap


Tobi fucking destroys Magius part 6

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