Reminders for AO (Part 1)


looks really nice imo

Look pretty smooth ngl


Yesss! Locked screen for blades

This was added to bugs:
It says “should,” meaning, when the update comes out, the Exiled’s sword’s ability will be able to cut through blasts. That will become very useful in PvP.

me ned more throwables

Would it be too good for a 1/20 drop? Otherwise, this is going to be cool.

The Minotaur axe throw also cut through blasts. Though when we have it, we won’t have that ability.

The exiled drops 5 items, so the odds of just the sword are 1/100. On average, you’ll need to kill the Exiled boss 68 times to get the sword. Considering the exiled boss is relatively rare, that will take hours.

A/D spamming to dodge won’t work anymore.


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OK cooool :sunglasses:

5. Not 4.

Sorry, forgot about the shield. I’ll edit my post

Does anyone know how long vetex spends a day working? I know he is young soo i won’t be surprise or annoyed if he does not spend that much time.

he works for around 2 hours during the day, then he works more around 11pm-3am

not 100% accurate but for the last 4 months or so that’s the pattern I’ve mostly noticed

What time zone is he in though?

eastern time

Ehh 2 hours for young person still in collage that is pretty impressive we will want more time put into it but i can understand :hugs:

He’s in college too? Mans gotta hell of a schedule.

I think he is. like no joke 99.9% of the roblox developer are under 25 lol