Vetex has been almost religiously doing them daily plus he wouldn’t get burnt out from doing the storyline, it’s the thing he enjoys most while developing
I wanna take a pic with cardi b inside my cardigan
never know
He’s said multiple times that making the storyline and building the islands have been the most enjoyable things for him plus he has been updating the trello daily whenever he does something so idk where you’re getting that he’s getting burned out by it from
with insanity…
from a meal?
also I’m pretty sure the patch note is just worded a bit weird
What I think it’d trying to say is that if you died while having the insanity given from a food item it would carry over because of the way insanity is saved.
You wouldn’t die as a direct effect of the meal(unless you go to an area that causes insanity causing you to have insanity 5 or smth killing you near instantly)
roblox moderation being roblox moderation
first bug
dang, before the bug fix, you could not escape insanity even when in the grave
Fort Talos is where I will be going insane because of how many patches it takes
how fuckin big is it?
Hope vetex be doing well with it
also holy shit we might reach 10k replies before the end of june how deprived of women are we all?
damn magic cloud size gone down
I just realised he is building Fort Talos, this isn’t even about the questline…
Ngl I am imagining the Forsaken Fortress when I think of Fort Talos
It’s most likely not gonna be anything like it besides it being a fort tho
i think of fort merit