Reminders for AO (Part 1)

Oh u meant it in that way.

2 are base for conjurer

Yeah 2 base + 1 rare

I think the second magic circle is coming from the arcing blast thing, all multi blasts now have an added magic circle if they did not have 2 or more already
Also the spear k think is the sky bosses because there is a tip on the end and it doesn’t look like the old spear or anything
So my guess is that it’s the sky bosses

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Oooh wait why has nobody mentioned this.
This means that literally every weapon that uses this plus high jumps and stuff will be getting massively improved

Huh I didn’t realize this
Magic energy was changed to energy as much as 1 1/2 years ago

Damn I never realized either, I guess now we know the reason for the change

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After searching the Twitter for more information I found this

So it seems like the boss from compensation has been decided but not publicly announced or even privately announced for that matter

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from what i inferred generic combat tracks are getting removed as a whole
i was just justifying that alternating between the island’s base music and the generic combat theme every time you go into combat wouldn’t sound too good

I don’t think every generic combat theme will go, it made sense for the low combat theme since every time you got hit you were put in combat and that was probably really annoying

But high combat plays for bosses without a sound track, so it’ll probably stay

I kind of have an idea for a build

Assuming slash magic stays as a lost magic and gets a buff from crystallized

Paladin build (magic/vitality)
Light magic & Crystal magic for first two elements
Slash magic as the lost magic

Able to hit for good damage while being bulky

yeah thats kinda what i meant

another interesting thing to note is that the door in this screenshot has the same logo as this banner in frostmill, so this could be a location in frostmill or have some connection to ravenna


Give credit to me

I guess it was never meant to be.

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Omen, help me.

I’m gonna overuse the hell out of this joke I’m sorry

Really interested in finding out the significance for these symbols. Most people know about the two on redwake already, which seems to be in a similar style.

What do they represent, alignments? Something to do with the order?

i love this (never actually thought of it myself)

I assume that it’s a major kingdom located near the ice area due to its prevalence.

Wait then why’d you make that your username