Reminders for AO (Part 1)

  • [Fixed] If you have the Trade UI opened
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dude ultra your cool

Monthly updates are pretty good. Minecraft updates once every 17 years and each update adds little to no content.

Also, you said that you’d prefer Vetex to leave all of the bugs in the game in order to release it quicker. If he did that, you’d end up with a Fallout 76

that’s facts lol


I don’t mean all bugs i mean some, because some bugs really don’t impact the game

obviously some bugs will remain
but important ones are going to get fixed first

why is change exile a bug exile is cool

Finally I can actually high jump out of water on my main. I could spend an entire minute at times repeatedly trying to spell jump to get out of water in the ocean, was pretty annoying but Im glad its fixed in the new update.


Yeah, all that’s left is tweaking some clashes and “changing the Exiled”, which I hope is just a damage buff, and that’s it for bugs.

Annotation 2020-08-25 184624
you hear that…?
thats the sound of…


Pre-made locations? So… farming is possible :smiley:

Both bosses and players

the locations are just where bandit/mc camps can spawn, sometimes they also spawn inside those, so you have to get lucky to find the right ones to farm

Dang it but thanks

That was a glitch and it was fixed
