Reminders for AO (Part 1)

how tf did i read “boobs” ???

If you don’t have the patience then dont stick around lmfao. There’s lots of other things to do in the meantime anyways


Oh yeah, I’m not necessarily trying to complain, it’s just that one weapon skill took 2 days yk, I’ve gotten into other games such as rogue and demon fall etc

i get it, i know it gets pretty difficult waiting for something like AO but it’ll all pay off. just sit tight

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wait that much ???
can someone please give me a list ? im counting like, less than 10

you are horni


not weapon types, but 20 weapons, the different types would be heavy bladed, light bladed, blunt, ranged and whatever spear would fall under(polearm maybe?)

smh just get their IP and ddos them as your weapon

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vpn shield

simple: ddos the vpn servers

I don’t think there’s that many either. 18 doesn’t sound right, though I could be wrong.

All I know is that we got:

  • Bladed (Swords)
  • Heavy Bladed (Greatswords)
  • Dual Swords (forgor that one)
  • Light Bladed (?) (Daggers I believe)
  • Blunt (Hammer)
  • Heavy Blunt (Unga-Bunga Stick)
  • Bow
  • Claw
  • Spear/Polearm?

That’s all I know, even with the trello’s help. But hey I don’t know everything, let me know what I missed.

:skull: he forgor

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I’m somewhat sure that some skills are definitely going to be the same for most

probably like trident and spear having a throw ability

I cant say for certain ig

dual swords would fall under bladed

I forgor :skull:

I think what it is that there are 20 weapons, claws,daggers, bow, flintlock, musket, greathammer, club, etc.
but there would be less weapon categories, such as bladed(maybe light and heavy) blunt(again maybe light and heavy) ranged(bow flintlock musket) polearm(spear and trident)

dual swords have their own skills compared to just swords

I see, that’s interesting



so i suppose its gonna be like
minotaur spin attack