Reminders for AO (Part 2)

aw hell nah i gotta start killin merchants for drip

you kill the merchants who sell them
to get what they sell
but merchants dont drop anything

they drop blood

Humanity is dead
Blood is fuel
Hell is full

el ultrakill introduction

but im still here

there arent real robots yet

The drops for sailors have been added to the NPC drop rate card

I’m pretty sure they’re identical to pirate NPC drops


wonder if the merchant stuff it’s talking about here is the historian culture clothing and this is the new way to get it


its been a drop from rookie pirates for a while and yeah i’m hoping its the vistarian merchant coat, that things basically my favorite vanity item in the game

AR had a complete revamp and 1k+ players

very epic update


the new side boss in stormwall dungeon is cool

Prom is pretty balanced now

yea just dont get flashbanged by the giant white fireball move

That’s what I call “phase 2”


phase 2 my ass he used it instantly the first time i got up to him

I see something else because he used it when he reaches half