Reminders for AO (Part 2)

what’s the point of the “you can no longer have multiple files in one clan”
why didn’t he just do the opposite and make clans tied to the player and not the file
just seems really unintuitive

I think there’s still some logic behind this, since you might want to be in different clans on different files

For example a file where you have a chill clan with a few close friends, and another file where you’re in a really competitive leaderboard clan

probably so you can join the grand navy without having to join it on every file

I hope there’s an infamy mini game where combat could be used so its fun and has combat

alr but what about not being able to be in the same clan on multiple files
it’s just more convenient so you don’t have to swap to a specific file to manage your clan
or if you want to simply play with a different file but still earn infamy for the same clan

what if you wanna be a villain file but you have a file on the grand navy? that wouldn’t work

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i said i understand it being per file but right now i’m asking what the point of not allowing multiple files to be in the same clan

Probably to stop people abusing the clan system for something? I’m not sure what though.

cant wait for this i can finally colonize lands for greater america

what build are you going to do george washington

freedom build


Is it just me or does it seem like vetex is preparing for paid access :face_with_raised_eyebrow:.
I might be reaching but the bug squashes game passes, notes and magic revamps are making my excited a bit early for early access

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suncry members upon inspecting this change


Bro who df made this :skull:

by far the best thing ever

The “Clans” card has been moved to the major features list and updated their descriptions

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Having more than just better colours does seem like it would be cool, maybe he just hasn’t decided what other stuff higher tiers will get yet

I also think it’s pretty interesting that you need to get to Average clan to unlock structure building. It’s a cool perk to work towards though, even for clans that don’t wanna reach leaderboard levels