Reminders for AO (Part 2)

volume lowering magic


I can’t wait to break people’s ears

it makes people lower their volume

And then I can have friends gank them when they do that

oh dear, the paneful magic


The glass time.

v1.9.119 has been published

Magic revamp is on track to being done by the end of this week, hopefully??


well time to wait ages for next magic showcase that wont include lightning

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I want shadow Magic showcase :mariomug:


I want ice Magic showcase :mariomug:


i want gun showcase
the entire gun list
all guns

i wasn’t bitch magic showcase :mariomug:

As a lightning mage, I think we should be satisified with what he’s shown us


Why tf is vetex so set on punishing the clan leader harder for wanting to participate in basic clan activities?? There’s zero reason that you have to take a bigger risk when capturing islands as the leader.
If this stays in the game, there better be some sort of bonus to infamy gain if you have the clan leader on the island.

it’s the other way around, you get punished more if you died to the leader

If you get killed by a leader you lose 3 infamy

it’s kinda bad wording but what it means is that the person who is killed loses the infamy, and so if a guild leader kills the person then the guy who died would lose even more

Well yea vetex writing “the player” instead of something more clear like “the killer” or “the victim” kinda doesn’t get the message through right
Though in this it only refers to the victim as “player” so

Also, how are you so sure that’s how it works?

the victim :skull: