Reminders for AO (Part 2)

Oh geez, i’ve never seen that before

Ah, so basically Suncry gets their own kingdom.

If magic shape is still a thing (I don’t remember if it is) this probably has a fairly good chance of happening

Magic shapes is still a thing

It’s A!.. Rupin!

not if we steal suncry first, then they’ll have to rebrand lmao


It is thought I’m pretty sure vetex said something about it being more focused on weapon shapes and such

Actually, that wouldn’t be a bad idea. If someone were to get to the Suncry name first, then they could hold it hostage as a means to then sell it to Suncry. This way, the person would get rich off of items all because they have the name Suncry and the group wants that name.

In fact, this ideology of thinking can go way beyond just a measly Suncry. If someone were to get a group of people together, and then in turn, speedrun galleons and take all of the top guild names for themselves, they could make a fortune out of that and get a bunch of items. Although, I’m not entirely sure if trading items for a clan name is allowed, but I don’t see any reason for it to be against the rules.



brb on my way to hold a bunch of names hostage

This sounds like a good idea!
Good thing im not in any leaderboard guilds, or that would be very bad for me!


you are not safe

I know :frcryin:

It was changed to -3? good.

now that’s a splendid idea, for extra measures, take all of the unicode variations as well

fire :)


Already on it chief. I have been hoarding tens of thousands worth of Galleons in the form of items. I’d say about 60% of my 400k worth inventory is sellable. 25% of that (cause items are sold for 1/4th their value rounded down, or 1/3rd can’t remember now) is about 50k worth of galleons in the form of items. If guild prices remain the same then I can get 10 guilds :nod:


I get the feeling infamy grinding will get a lot easier with a lot less bashing heads once the second sea gets added, whatever it’s called. I’m guessing like the iron sea, or less likely the steel sea

Unless we already have a name lol

trading guilds

legendary whatever the mf
suncry guild :smiling_imp: