Reminders for AO (Part 2)

GN stands for too many things. Good night? Get naked? It gets confusing, Gravy’s a much clearer abbreviation


bro the gravy is coming run

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It just makes sense, also Gravy boats can also mean a dish used to serve gravy iirc so there’s bit of clever word play in this new abbreviation.

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Help the gravy is murdering us

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Excellent changes

“We gotta get the fuck outta here a big ass Gravy boat is tailing us.”

“Fuck we’re surrounded by the Gravy.”

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lmao why no work

The Gravy is literally the blood of the towns

Gravy works so well that I’m both even more willing and less willing to join the Gravy, just because it’ll be called the Gravy. Fucking awesome.

Just call it the Navy, capital N to signify you’re talking about the major power and proper noun.

which navy are we talking about though, could be any country’s


I am going to eat the Gravy.

Yes, thus the capitalization. any old navy isn’t a proper noun the Grand Navy is

anyway do we have any word on the annihilation of the rep shield system? I somewhat remember word on it being removed a while back but that might just be wishful thinking.

it seems so much better now i want to be a SmoOth CrImInAl

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military services are usually capitlised no matter what i think, so navy capital n is still unclear

bro that’s vore

what is vore

eating gravy?

be best to just search it up on urban dictionary

no i already know my friend told me last year (it was a joke)