Reminders for AO (Part 2)

rival npcs becoming william afton:

This makes you infer otherwise, but I could see either argument make sense


I read that to mean no matter how they’re released they level up but they’ll only ally with you when you break them out.


It’s a game so don’t think about logic to much.

we need theorycrafters

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I aint saying its a bad thing im saying alot of people are like “WE CAN ALLY WITH PEOPLE WOO” while its not something to be really excited about

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jesus its either coding is alot faster then I thought it was or you type 100 words per minute gad damn

My brother is a developer and I can confirm they type fast :nod:

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long term developers and programmers type really fast my dad works for google so i know

how I imagine your dad:

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Yeah honestly I’m like talking about it but all in all it’s a neat, but entirely inconsequential feature.

hes chinese

Are you assuming someone’s gender


well calling anyone anything would be assuming their gender technically

So if I call someone a frog then I’m assuming their gender

That’s race


no, it’s ethnicity


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hi mr tester