Reminders for AO (Part 2)

Since he manually added all the words that can be used he probably was careful to avoid any ones that could lead to remotely inappropriate innuendo

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yeah that just makes the clog problem worse,

guarantee you what’s going to happen immediately after the update drops is, hundreds if not thousands of people will rush to get as many notes of theirs as possible on every island, leading to within hours every single area where a note can be placed is completely full forever. repeat for every next update

I really doubt they’ll even be that bad

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I don’t think it’ll be that bad tbh, some features have been put in place to minimize clogging:

  • notes have default despawn time of 30 minutes
  • there’s a limit to how many can be placed on each island
  • can’t be placed too close to each other, and only be placed on solid ground

and downvoting lowers the despawn time

You’d have to put something so stupid in order to get your note downvoted

oh damn. didn’t realize that
i mean that would certainly fix the clog issue but idk if i like the idea of that

*Wood is the best magic

Seems pretty short but for each positive review the note stays for +2 minutes

Also each negative review makes it stay for 2 less minutes

slightly unrelated but i can guarantee you that no matter what people will find a way
Wood Magic Ahead ~ a note placed behind drista

Such a statement would immortalize your note.

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note despawns after 30 seconds

sounds like the most ‘immortal’ note will be a note in front of your boat on the starter island saying something along the lines of “Welcome to Arcane Odyssey” with 100k+ upvotes

Speaking of the despawn system, it’s now been implemented

you can buy special skins and free level ups with the total amount of “odyssey karma” you’ve gotten from your note commendations


Still enough for it to get removed and make people that understand it chuckle

Still waiting for vebex to add boobies :roll_eyes::hot_face:


vetex needs to port this game to steam so he can add the long awaited sex minigame ngl


He could make the mistake of adding every magic including wood

disparaged is such a word