Reminders for AO (Part 2)

Honest confession: These look meh compared to their nonflashy counterparts, but I bet they look better animated

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BRO?! what

sorry to disappoint but its not real

Man Argos boss must look pretty cool

ik this has to do nothing but

cat bread

Damn why so many Ifunny watermarks

I can add more lmfao

:skull: :skull:

Ill keep going if thats what you want

I was kind of thinking the same thingā€¦I honestly kind of dislike acidā€™s beam, the water beam looks way better. A gif of these attacks wouldā€™ve been nice.

I mean they look more fitting for the game, especially water and fireā€™s

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sure buddy

the last thing my mentality sees looking at the next patch note only to see that fort talos has yet to be balanced

Here why not letā€™s also say this game incorporates a little zelda in it too

like the cooking


vetex confirms thats Neco-Arc will NOT be in AO :sob:



Groundbreaking information.

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I donā€™t understand why this was suggested

people think its funny for some reason


They were obviously being ironic in their suggestion. I donā€™t think anyone would expect to unironically ask a developer to add such a character to their game and be met with acceptance