Oh my goodness another addition to vitality.
We are eating well this update.
Oh my goodness another addition to vitality.
We are eating well this update.
Vitality users when the only two changes they’ve gotten are an optimization and a change that all builds got:
That’s all 4 stats done, but there’s no explanation like it was said there would be. Maybe Vetex needs to add unique effects to hybrids, too?
i want to leak
Do it in someone’s dms (or my dms if you want lol)
mid update tbh but I’ll take anything
the duality of typo
I’m also mad at this update because it ruined the vitality prediction I had in mind
honestly I really hope spirit weapons aren’t just obtainable weapons, I hope that they’re obtained and used differently
I hope spirit weapons are like scythes or swords you make out of soul or your own blood.
i hope they aren’t weapon shaped, i’d be questioning why they don’t require some weapon stat then
I’m with you on that. I always imagined Spirit Weapons as nature-y, dryad-like staves and wands.
yeah that would be cool. A blood staff you smack people with.
i usually think of stuff like prayer beads or that staff with rings that monks sometimes have, or just anything related to spiritualism like crystals and lapis in egypt
That would be interesting too.
I honestly have no idea.
ur all too fixated on the weapon part
I want a soul lantern.
I want a soul lantern so bad.
warrior and weapon hybrids: