Reminders for AO (Part 3)

I know it’s way too early to decide but would berserkers or warriors be a better build to make

I’m already doing a mage file

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all builds’ll be good

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I think berserker would be more fun
Beat the life out of everything by with your bare hands

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knew it


casual 9000+ hunger

I’m going Warlock but if I had to pick between those two I think I’d go with Warrior. It’s very customizable, you can mix and match any weapons with no drawback or cooldown, and you can use all of a weapon’s skills, unlike hybrids. Even before Artisan Weapons and the 3rd set of weapon skills are added I think Warrior will be able to hold its own very well.

okay I’ll make a warrior build then

wom has the real ms paint gui


This has probably been posted already, but it’s confirmed that Rare Weapons will be on release.

Honestly, I’d rather wait longer for the game to release so Vetex can finish every build’s content, and probably get out some of the Dark Sea features. I lucked out by always wanting full Warlock so I’m not going to be missing anything, but I feel bad for the Conjurers with no arcanium weapons, Warriors with no 3rd skills, and Wardens who can’t even exist. Personally, I’d only put 3 findable spells, 3 findable techniques, and 3 rare weapons on release instead of 5 of each, then use that time to add a few Spirit Weapons so that Warden doesn’t have to be locked.

vetex already said that there probably isnt enough time to even add the 5 lost stuff on early access due to how many bugs roblox is causing, and there probably is only going to be one of each. i dont think there will be time for much other stuff



180p image quality moment

New stealth passive for AS members :scream:

players joining the AS to speedrun the story


What? , why AS will do speedrun?

no uncontrollable boss fights

That will be a problam probably.

Boss cheese basically, though I think bosses are invincible until they see a player they can attack which defeats the cheese

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