Reminders for AO (Part 3)

This is the shit that should’ve been in the trailer.


I agree, the trailer was sort of done dirty imo

Wonder what that could be :thinking:

Guard ambush when you dock?
Ravenna ship fleet going after you?

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(post deleted by author)


lets guess

  • the people love you
  • the people kill you

0 voters

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It was deleted because it was posted in the patreon chat

ohh i thought i clicked on general, sorry

ohhh i sees

Asked vetex and we still got some more to go

Meditate under a waterfall.
How has no-one made a joke about taking a shower yet?

Snare having a small AoE around the recipient actually sounds like a slightly good idea

In patreon chat there were jokes

oh hell yeah wind magic go brrr

wind magic snare spell

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the new fs/weapon fight leak is so fucking pog

I feel goofy for practicing pvp in world of magic after watching that