Reminders for AO (Part 3)

Oh gosh a grind barrier
Hopefully the quests in chapter 5 are adjusted so no grinding is needed

he had added a level barriers on purpose as to have a reason to level up outside of just the story, it forces you to explore and such
(the other quests won’t be adjusted)

I despise grinding so so much
At least we can hope for the wolves to give enough exp, or I could just overlevel for the final boss

its only a barrier at the start of the chapter, i wouldnt worry too much


bro just play the game :skull: the story breaks are supposed to force you to do stuff outside of story so its not one continuous thing

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I blame all the time I spent on bee swarm simulator.

Speedrunners malding rn

Max level is coming soon….

If this was a case

Legendary Weapon Kronos’s Scythe lololol

Honestly I’m excited to see the rest of the story and how it ends for the bronze sea


so the second set of quests that were planned appears to be rolling out now


i want to run a fast boat when this game comes out
having another enchant to increase speed helps


let’s go a world map!!!. i wonder how it works, is every island on in or only the important ones? if some are missing are they added when we go to them maybe? i think that would be nice for exploration but then not having to always find the island again.

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I assume it has every island, just that they’re foggy/hidden kinda like how new regions in wom are

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ah well, hoped we could find like secret islands or something for going out of our way and exploring, tho ig finding just random island in the vast ocean would be pretty hard.

Phantom hourglass moment
