Reminders for AO (Part 3)

they mean in the map ui, and considering we don’t even know what it looks like i don’t get why it’s being suggested


The reason I suggest is because the one we have right now doesn’t have the directions on it, and some people need a little reminder or just a bit more help k owning which is which
Maybe adding the directions there would be more effective thinking about it, I can be pretty dumb sometimes

Not to be harsh, but who wouldn’t know their basic NESW by now?


Oh, I didn’t read it carefully, I’m sorry

devforum stuff

glitchy render of arena island

it takes a while for vetex to load into studio ao because roblox sucks, we also get to see blackwater again

glitchy npc tracking because of a roblox issue, and the new walk animation




Shapes for explosions too? Dang, daniel.

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v1.10.73 has been published


the sword is real


oh so it’s the same shapes then


What is that wall?

probably the great rift like in aa, giant rocks that can separate the seas

i remember the trello mentioned them a while back

either the jaws or the rift

I thought rifts were removed

i think a compass would be even more confusing because then people would use that to judge whre they are going instead of using the obvious visual cues (the islands have unique appearances its easy to tell which they are)

Nvm I see it, they got added back probably by now

there was definitely a rift in one of the leaks

also it exists, next to the jaws

Could you show that leak then?