Reminders for AO (Part 3)


And so ends the wait…
Thank you everyone.


Its here…

Its finally happened, enjoy it guys

Welp, see you guys in three days, going in blind!

37k people just joined the game
Edit: it’s already up to 70k

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shiftlock doesnt work

how on earth do you cook. i’m clicking on the stuff in my inv but it is not equipping it and i am going insane

nevermind found out

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how i get a camp


players are leaking rn not gonna lie
80k’s are still good though

rip these guys

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Our journey of 2 years has finally come to it’s pass, my brothers, let’s enjoy what we’ve waited for.

peak game im really enjoying ao

i got 6 notifications from ao related servers and im not opening any of them

Vetex still has not marked the Release

AO is not 100% guys!!

he also has not updated the sky boss’s name in the npc/bosses’s drops card

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Theres a new recent tab