Reminders for AO (Part 3)

I assume gels are gonna be a different potion recipe that gives you a temporary imbuement or smth?

I also think itā€™ll only be appliable for the potions like frost and melting potions and such

yeah I see why, status effect potions like for bleeding and snowy

Freezing gel for my wind when

wind gel for your wind

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Explosion gel for my explosion.
So i can explode more explosion while using my explosion for exploding explosion via explosion magic

Explosion gel for my savant.

He will use ash-shadow-thermo fist.

Cant wait for when gels come out so I can use charring gels to still make petrified. I can imbue shadow and thermo with the gel so o have both good stats on the weapons and petrification.

I canā€™t wait for savantā€™s second awakening.

ew, magic savantā€¦


Says somebody who doesnā€™t has a savant

I have savant file that i play, and i love it.
Explosion fighting savant

  • 110 m ; 90 fs ; 50 wep
  • Katana, Trident, shield
  • Basic combat, Boxing

Iā€™m just after the magic savant so I can do all sorts of hilarious synergy shenanigans like instant petrify halberd and such with weapons.

you wont be able to imbue both magics onto something at the same time anyway

Thatā€™s why I want explosion and thermofist

Explosion chars and thermo burns, setting it off

You can imbue both a fighting style and a magic onto a weapon at the same time, right?

And also shadow is here for good stats

No thermo for me :frowning:

But again, despite me being a fighting savant, i use my magic a lot more than i do other stuff.
Magic > F.S. > Weapons




27 posts were split to a new topic: New sea monster

Oh. Thatā€™s a leak. That is a leak in vertex games


Biggest Reminder for AO (Part 3) of all time.
