Reminders for AO (Part 3)

Ayo, does that apply to Conjurers too? Because if so i’m gonna be celebratin’ like hell!
Plasma Conjurer’s finally goin’ to be good!

Pretty sure it does!

Yeah it’s partying time because now conjurers who don’t use shadow, light, or snow are gonna have a field day

No because Crystal shattering itself isn’t counted as a synergy so it’d be 5% 5% 5% 30%, probably should be halved as well though I brought that up to Vetex just now. Either way that’s a lot better than 30% every 2nd hit


i was considering the iron leg breaking it and not the crystal itself, but that works too

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My Plasma Warlock eating good tonight

My Plasma Conjurer too~

nooo wdym i cant smap raging impact at earth warlock dude anymore

i might actually use triasta now, that’s a buff imo

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I can use fire and thermo fist effectively now yayyyyyyyy

vetex W

with fire gel

lmao yeah



Damn new leaks

Wait what’s the sandstorm pic?

new wilderness island

the demonbruhfish is huge

He’s a little bigger than I thought he’d be.

as said before, very spooky