Reminders for AO (Part 3)

It’s still extremely fast but it’s actually comparable to Boxing now (Thermo multihits were like 2x faster than Boxing multihits wre)

Sounds about right, also is it possible for you to answer my endlag affinity question? Like will Boxing have less endlag than a max meter Thermofist or about the same

Has anyone seen anything about the Paralysis fixes?

I remember reading on the combat balancing doc that paralysis needed some bug fixes or something but it’s since dissapeared.

Thermo endlag decreases with heat yes

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I hope thermo heat draining before a move ends is gonna get fixed soon

(Post deleted by author)

That is 100% leaking because that was on patreon only

looking at the thing, I genuinely don’t think that’s the final version of it

600 hp for something larger than a white eyes (at least in terms of diameter) aint cutting it

its not actually 600 hp

ok good

No more grab clashes :pensive:

I MISSED IT, DAMN IT. I was so close!

My bad.

I’m sorry, didn’t know that was leaking a Patreon post.

Now lettuce… you wouldn’t happen to accidently post it again… would you?

Asking for a friend (who really wants to see)

I could dm it to you maybe but I ain’t taking any more chances with that

And I feel like a rat already from that too


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Nah it’s fine I’m teasing.

Cannon Fist buff

took them long enough to nerf that lol

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