Reminders for AO (Part 3)

well even if its like 2 damage thats still 200 damage if you hit it all.


power on gems is what worries me. I hope the max you can get is like 3, otherwise people are gonna try to load their builds with those. Well hell, they probably already will.

Conjurer fix AND cauterizing buff? My fire conjurer is eating GOOD tonight.

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Its all done


All fire conjurers eating good :yum:

Add me too

I’m using fire and iron leg so I’m in the same place basically

Update coming soon

prolly in 1-2 weeks because of testing, bug fixes and adjustments

its been a month or more no fucking way its in 2 weeks

did thermo’s heat depleting during skills get fixed?

wasnt mentioned in trello :skull:


I predicted on Tuesday but yeah I’d take your estimation over mine

Bruh you’ve guessed every day of the year at this point, best move since you can never be wrong

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I hope Vetex fixes the memory leak


You know, this made me wonder: What niche will vitality take? I imagine it kind of being like the idea of spirit or chi from general Kung Fu stuff, but how will that work? Is vitality doomed to be a meme stat?

There’s nothing related to vitality attacking in game yet so we can’t be certain
