Reminders for AO (Part 3)

Yeah but as it is now, if you hunt say, 250k renown person and you have 2 million, you usually only get around 4,000 renown, since it took 7% of whoever was lower. Now, if it averages out, that 250k player who got hunted would lose far more, wouldn’t they?

could you lose more than your total renown?

Won’t the 1mil renown players just transfer some of their renown to an alt now that they know?


wtf why is vetex actually making good changes

At first I was mildly sad because I find selling cargo by hand oddly satisfying, especially in Tradelands, but then I remembered how actually long and tedious it actually was.

Wtf this is such a huge W

Bro decided to say “Im sorry for wiping the gems” and did this :skull:


The heck that’s actually incredible

common Vetex L W

broke ass shop

My perfect win/loss ratio against my rival is probably gonna take a dive :skull:


5 posts were split to a new topic: Level 160 NPCs




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Great! Now those npcs will actually be a challenge to fight again.

the easter stuff you have is gonna say your name on it :fire:


It’s not specified, I wonder if it works for Sealed Chests too?

Sealed chests are things you can place on your deck, and it includes gunpowder barrels and cargo, so I assume it works with sealed chests too

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