Reminders for AO (Part 3)

Also note:
Fulgurites are a type of a crystal/glass like substance formed by the fusion of rock and sand by lightning strike

Maybe that’s the reagent for the Sandy status then.

why did they make it so they can’t spawn at dawn island then, that place is full of lightning striking sand


maybe fire

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Mmmm, that’s fucking horrifying


whoever was suggesting this finally won

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Cant wait to see metal magic shield blast

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It’s the small changes at a time!
One day we have magic and fs sorting, the next we’ll finally have tool bar inventory sorting.

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The idea of being hit by 5 stacks of crystal PER grapeshot with a crystal warlock terrifies me. Glad its fixed lol.

probably so that we don’t have an endless abundance of them and to make it slightly rarer


commonly called "fossilized lightning ", are natural tubes, clumps, or masses of sintered, vitrified, and/or fused soil, sand, rock, organic debris and other sediments that sometimes form when lightning discharges into ground. When composed of silica, fulgurites are classified as a variety of the mineraloid lechatelierite.

Effect: Sandy

Skyfire Bloom

Effect: Burning?


Thunder Crystal

Effect: Electric?


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wow thats a lot of words

too bad I aint readin em


finally vetex made it

:sob: NOOOOOOO :sob:
Now people would’t be able to see my funni acid blast name

Melting balls!

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“Ultimate art: Massive balls!” is better smh

colossal balls* (i have it in wom its really funny)
