Reminders for AO (Part 3)

Why is that donkey kong staring into my soul

But i’m excited to play even if i get just three days at first

:sob: :sob:
I’ll be sleeping already

That means you won’t have to deal with any gamebreaking bugs that might appear fr

and i’ll be two hours late :sunglasses:

true, plus, less people would play cause you, 'mericans, would probably already do whaterver you wanted to do in th game, while i’ll be having my 10 hours of sleep.

But i still got a lot to do:

  1. Farm Jems

  2. Get new ingridients for potions

  3. Kill whale

  4. Die to bruhfish

  5. Master potion brewing with spamming water-breathing potion

  6. Master jewlecrafting

  7. Get Bronze Sea Diver by finding easy Underwater sturcutres and clearing only them (5% is 5%)

how the fuck did you get that many seaweed

throin refuge farming, buying from players etc


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AO drip update



god damnit i just saw it

Sweet my 74 attack speed iron leg crash is actually gonna be fast now

I wonder why distance scales now, did he revert the change to make attackspeed not affect distance at all or are these tweaks to actually make it not affect distance instead of decreasing or increasing it

the more atk speed you have the less total distance you get

alright we are very close now.

Was that a recent nerf in the notes and the testers decided it sucked so he has slowly reverted it?


8 posts were split to a new topic: The brewing update experience

It wasn’t a nerf it was a buff, but they couldn’t test every value before the update