Reminders for AO (Part 3)

you gotta link your discord account to your patreon account in settings i think

haven’t done it since november so idk how it is lol

yeah actually you go to settings and go to connected apps

i wonder if this is a hotfix or a change for the dark sea update since we’ll find it there anyways

probably a hotfix tbh

bocchi the rock, an anime i think

Qol and balance change, the explosive barrels are making a comeback

Also he didn’t change the 7 second stun from volcanic potion


ok but instead of just adding more search categories can we just get a search bar already


Backpack already has a search box but if you are meaning the inventory yeah we need it immediantly

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He’s afraid of something about it, or we would have gotten it already. Maybe it causes lag?

Vetex is afraid of potions affecting more than one person per potion

Ok lol




I wonder what it’s speed is, presumably faster than caravel

also, have we ever gotten anything about siege weapons?

Siege weapons are likely things such as Mortars etc since that’s what they replaced in the description

yeah siege weapons include stuff like mortars

So does the mean that we are done with the brewing update patches, or are we getting a brand new ship sooner than expected?

we love bombarding people ships

now you know what would be cool? if we could get a cannon type that shoots out nova potions as an additional cannonball type.

just bomb a ship with every status effect you can think of

Gale Mortar, tide if you are so inclined

We making it out of the war seas with this one :speaking_head: :speaking_head: :speaking_head: :fire: :fire: :fire: :100: :100: :100: