Reminders for AO (Part 3)

someone’s destroying your ship from afar? jumpscare em by reseting to your ship

if they aren’t just jumping on and disabling your spawn then they’re gonna get whats getting to em



Another vetex w

This is a huge W for sure

fck yes my precious

9 posts were split to a new topic: Arcanium cannons

Finally, no more having to sail all the way back to the diving point just because a White Eyes came out of nowhere and one-shot you!

get god, i solo’ed Megalodon and several sharks yesterday :sunglasses: ( i almost die several times and would have if not for the regen III food )

bro actually has to get god

Did you kill them with an attachment though?

i dont fcking have one :sob:

all i have is a bunch of strength and weapon attachment ( still got the megalodon fin tho )

Fun fact, after 1.13 released, ALL of my attachment got wiped :skull: Thanos Avengers Endgame GIF - Thanos Avengers Endgame Gone Reduced To Atoms - Discover & Share GIFs

Most of what I have is harpoons though I got both swivels and harpoons bc I’m a warlock

I have like one harpoon gun though and I’m assuming you’re a warrior

nah im a mage currently, have a punch of harpoona dn throwing weapon

Screenshot (2465)

no one done this yet so here, Arcane Odyssey Pet Update


golden colossal squid being shrunken down to the size of a fishing rod

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Giant sleeper shark = Regular sleeper shark = small sleeper shark

how big is the cabin gonna be if we get stuff like this my god

well it’s a fair bit larger than the ketch obviously, I’d imagine it’s as big or even bigger than the AA frigate