Reminders for AO (Part 3)

The covers to darkest secret and brightest night go hard.

true true

But I could always get a little devious :smiling_imp:

Actually imagine getting a brig before getting into the sky and seeing the order stuff in there.

‘Aesir? Who are they?’

mfs getting 20k galleons before doing sky islands…

they’d have to grind levels before obtaining it too AND go to ravenna :sob:

it’s worth every penny

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20k galleons at ravenna + it probably has a minimum level needed of 100 or higher you’d have to be challenging yourself to get a brig before aesir :sob:

Its only 202 cargo crates from ravenna to redwake

nah its gonna be 120 like the golden shovel.
ketch was 75 while caravel was 25.
So lets just take it to the max

What will you guys put in frames? What images?



Arcane adventures? How about you adventure for some bitches.

Arcane adventures? How about you adventure for some grass.



it begins

It’s happening…
It’s beginning…

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7 posts were split to a new topic: Forum Dark Seas Expedition

Y’all had best be getting a second set of equipment ready to enchant with an enchantment that gives warding

get boss grinding NOW

screw warding, im gonna start eating only insanity meals and just be used to the effects
natural immunity for the win

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