Reminders for AO (Part 3)


“Bro that random town beggar got literally beheaded by the famous Eric Salore! We should praise him for this incredible feat!”

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“oh my god little timmy died to level 6 bandit”

“he’s so cool”

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Custom Spell Names?


can’t wait to name my boat :peach: :dash:


OMG Fame glitch patched!!!111

Vetex is now “The Bug Slayer”.

Look at how much bugs are being fixed is a few hours

We can charge and block at the same time?

Or is it referring to 2 different instances?

2 instances

Charging ans Blocking at the smae time would break PvP and PvE as people would just cheese the NPCs and PvPers would exploit that to come up with a cheese strat so they dont need to use more than 1 braincell.

hint from qna
not sure if this is copy pasted from wom
if not, it shows that the current plan for codes is only boosts.
Screenshot 2022-11-01 180328
do you guys remember the lost/ancient magic + base magic replacement discussion?
heres something

lost & ancients arent out yet so vetex might change this sooner or later

You know shit like this makes me really want to know the technical side of AO. Must be the ocding equivalent of a master craftsman’s blade being studies by a student, plus some of these sound super absurd and funny

probably just sees that something was removed from the whirlpool and thinks you got out

Swimming rework.


happy to see this, this feature shouldve been added long ago