Reminders for AO (Part 3)

Balance hotfix incoming.

Vetex just needs to completely change it with an idea in mind instead of these stupid bandaid fixes like a slight increase in speed but still slower than Thermo or blocking power. Make it the fastest due to low damage, or make it a mainly defence/punishing fs, etc.

LITERALLY ANYTHING BRUH it’s the only fs with no purpose

Funny how back in AA we had Polemos boasting about how he one shot Cthulhu while explaining boxing but now the gloves reduce your damage for some reason

(maybe AA’s boxing gloves were filled with cement, who knows?)

goodbye funny stuns


(Complete sentence)

auto win stun gel nerfed

game unplayable

I wonder if Vetex is doing main game small patches because he’s waiting for some people to build Dark Sea stuff… or just takin’ a break.

Eh, likely a mix of the two. And also working on more things which aren’t noted down on the patch logs.

( Likely things for a later update. )

Finally, thermo fist nerf

Prolly just takin a break, a break as in playing his own game. Vetex made his own clan ingame called “Atlas” and I think he’s finally makin this patches because of that. Because either his clan complaining, or he himself realizing it, or both.

The builders have been at work on the Dark Sea for a very long time, as they predicted it would be soon. I doubt he’s waiting on builds.

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It’s a good chance for him to take a break because chances are theres gonna be some testers building structures so it doesn’t delay much, avoiding another angry wave of twitter users and general chat peoples getting annoyed because he isn’t constantly making huge updates.

Wym “finally” thermo has had the most nerfs ever :sob:

I hate thermo that’s why, I wouldn’t mind it being nerfed to the ground (mage supremacy)



Am I just bad mage or average warrior with vindicator deal 300 dmg per skill without bleeding included?


Your bad

This dude did 100 DMG PER HIT. How am I supposed to fight that?

(sorry for caps but when i add “!” it would mean I was shouting or something.)

like normal hit?

sailor fist hit like 110 dmg while max charge so its not that much