Reminders for AO (Part 3)


W Update

v1.9.200 has been published

the 200 and 91 :moyai:

outside it seems odd but if you think about it, there’s nothing strange. It just says that story already went beyond marker of 90 lvl, plus im sure that there’s like, 1 quest each 1.5 levels, so nothing strange

I calculated this a while ago with different numbers but when I did it just now it’s about 1.2 levels per quest, so it adds up over time with damaging npcs, side quests and such

Why just one single level increase though?

since the story quests are now up to that level it will continue to be increased as more story quests are made

well caculated we have 23 story parts left until we hit the new level cap 120
Screenshot 2022-11-03 8.33.47 AM

Using my expert and unmatched math skills, I can deduce that we in fact have 29 levels left until we reach level 120


“Cannon fist’s reduced damage reduction

23 story parts you mean?

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Imagine 100 parts of story


damn guess we cant die when farming him

First he gives you fame when you kill him now he doesn’t arrest you this guy sucks at his job

Edit: perhaps i treated Kai too harshly





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Truly terrible

I mean the max max level will be like 1000 or something and the game hopefully going to be 100ish hours soo we gonna get alot more