Reminders for AO (Part 3)

Then why it didn’t worked for player at Redwake if there was Shura’s acid in the sea which was killing fish and melting ships?

Shura is like acid rain his acid magic was fairly weak and you caught him soon after the effects were becoming noticeable, acid waves in the dark sea are probably more like a wonderful 50/50 diluted solution of sulphuric acid

Or in a more serious realistic note there wasn’t really any reason to implement that as a feature.

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I mean, it is litteraly said in the dialogue that their ship’s hull was melting due to acid in the sea.

Because we’re the mc and we have plot armor obviously

HMMM, okay its changes everything.

I hope we fight Shura again later on in the story

I’m placing bets on shadow magic and some crazy epic katana

It was said their ships were getting damaged in strange way. Later it turned out to be Shura’s blasts dropping to sea

(He recently discovered his magic so probally had only blast unlocked)




RIP easy nighttime travel.

time to be blind woo hoo…

Aw man he removed it :disappointed_relieved:

yeah I abused tf out of this sailing normally, time to farm Clearstones

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NOOOOOO (complete sentence)

damn it. oh well, I forgot clearsight helps with that so I may as well farm potions

Nighttime fog adds absolutely nothing to the game other than making travel artificially tedious and should be removed.


I assume this was abusable in the dark sea or smth?

dark sea enemies have random size?
giants? gnomes?

no the dark seas one was fixed a while ago ig he just decided to fix this as well