Reminders for AO (Part 3)



i reas structure as creature and got exicted real quick…


Here’s what I’ve been stuck on. He said a new ‘type’ of structure. So what could that entail? A new kind of building that can spawn on dark sea islands? Some sort of underwater thing?

Okay so, lets think about it.

  • We already have regular islands (wilderness island)
  • Island with ruins
  • Ruin themself

Not sure about mirrage-islands, but my guess is that new “type of dark sea structure” if mirrage island, cause all islands are techincally structures :nerd_face:



A new recent card was also made too

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That’s unfortunate :melting_face:
Would have been halrious to re-enact

*Teleports behind you
Nothing personal kid

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you can still run high agility and go real far

Wonder when Vetex will check off the Dark Sea’s generated content, given that he went in to check the imbued dodges.


That’s the plan, I want to go back to my old build of like 150 agility and 90+ power

ew cringe go 250+ agility

But then I can do a funny 300 + dmg on piercing shot while zooming :frowning:

maybe he just doing whatever he feels like instead of following an order?

i mean, the main reason why he didnt revamp AA was because he didnt want to do the same thing again after all

probably got bored of dark sea and switched to something else for refreshment

and pray tell, how much hp did you have

986 or so i think?

foolishness Bio, foolishness

true gamer goes 1k5 hp with 150 agility while barely doing ~150 dmg each attacks :sunglasses:

he makes even the devil cry!

There’s no fun if you’re not living on the edge and can get 2 shot by a thermo warlord!
Crash > Smash combo takes 800 or so I think + burn is all your hp

i cant never block due to my ping if i go like that i would die so fast :skull:

There’s no need to block if they can’t hit you B)