Reminders for AO (Part 3)

i’m sorry to tell you. Every item is vanity. but accessory wise probably about 2 or 1 per set since there are boots, chest-plate and then an accessory.

New patrion stuff that I can’t see bc I’m broke😭


even blurred they look drippy as hell

Looks like some red armor and purple wizard robes along with a cape

I’m so glad Patreon can’t blur right :pray:

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Why does one of them look sort of like a spider man suit lol

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Genuinely that was my first thought :skull:

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cuz of the colour scheme
but the set doesnt look like a spider man suit at all

Looks more like a red batman imo

why do i get the feeling that i’m going to be fishing for a Dark Sea sunken set

Interestingly enough there seems to be symbols on these already pretty stylized capes.


There’s no symbol on the second one

You know, that red one kinda looks like the sunken iron set…

blood iron set confirmed

Maybe Patreon should intensify their blur? Yes, I know it’s distorted, but my eyes can still grasp what they’re seeing…

lovin it, drawback changes going hard


I can imagine one of the testers dying from Drawback because it took 3% of their max health when they were low health

Trolled by their armor stats lmao

It’d be interesting if there was a potion effect that gave tiers of drawback. Call it like an instability potion. Sorta like a love potion but instead of shutting somebody down completely with a cure it greatly disincentivizes continuing to attack. (While still leaving it a possibility)


Drawback level and how many spell you can cast:

  1. 3% meaning 34 attacks can be used before dying.
  2. 6% meaning 17 attacks can be used before dying.
  3. 9% meaning 12 attacks can be used before dying.
  4. 12% meaning 9 attacks can be used before dying.
  5. 15% meaning 7 attacks can be used before dying.

(god damn)

Edit: By the way, trello says drawback works to releation to your CURRENT health, does’nt it mean that you cant die from drawback alone? You will be cutting your health lower and lower but not die.