Reminders for AO (Part 3)

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Oh and this :yawning_face:


surge, from what i’m guessing could either be:

  • better aura spell (super lame)
  • a type of movement spell (not too bad for mages honestly!)
  • perhaps a movement and AoE around the user (Kinda lame and annoying to face)

considering vetex took atleast 2 days to make that spell, it won’t be simple

The Surge spell must be something special with unique synergies to the environment/player, It can’t be just a simple move like a simple special blast or a movement-type spell…

Might be the first spell that wasn’t mentioned on the early rare spells ideas.

i mean we don’t exactly know what javelin does either, we’re mostly going off descriptions of old lost spells for that one too

Yeah betting it’s just aura but shorter in length in exchange for better stats

def doesn’t sound like it, the one for aura as a lost spell was called “transform” iirc

transforming into a furry


“Surge Surge”

My guess is that it will be some kind of “launch” move for mages, smth like dagger’s spiral furry with high attack speed.

I think it might be like shura’s acid cloud move but as a kind of expanding wave

What are you cooking

Why not it to be like that one Cernyx’ attack I mentioned before (somewhy that reply got moved to other topic for whatever reason)

You know, I think the buffs to stacking status effects getting added now of all times might be more evidence that Javelin is like Locking Blast. Maybe it was bad since its main focus is supposed to be continuously stacking status effects on the target over time while stuck in them, but stacking statuses wasn’t viable, prompting these changes.


Transformation strength technique

Theres embodiment already existing, and it would look weird for just a human to transform into real animal

Even magic in this world is not able to do so


If there was aiming desync that kills any theories that Surge is some sort of Aura.

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Seems like its an AoE based spell then