Reminders for AO (Part 3)

mfw i’m in a party of 4 and only do 19.5% of the boss’ hp in damage: :sleeper:

no longer crippling my rates when I play the game with friends

Honestly I have no idea why it was added in the first place - it made as much sense for the Exiled and Minotaur as it does for AO’s bosses. Still, I’m glad it’s gone.




I think the reason why it was a feature for WoM is because you would get huge groups of people hunting bosses and if they all had the default drop chance then boss drops would be really common.

The boss’s health and damage is (and was) scaled with the number of people fighting it. It would take roughly the same amount of time to kill the boss regardless of how big your group was, and it would take the same amount of time to walk to a new boss.

Like, it’s important to stress that we’re not comparing “me and my 9 friends kill a boss together for an approx 100% cumulative drop chance”, with “I kill a boss by myself for 10%”.
If I have 9 friends to boss farm with, the baseline rate is “me and my 9 friends just play on different servers and kill 10 bosses for an approx 100% cumulative drop chance”.

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you’re remembering wrong here.

the second 3 or more people go involved in a WoM bossfight, everybody just used 20 blasts since there was no way the boss would be able to pose a serious threat anymore against the 3 or 4 player’s combined healthpools lol.

(also because of that now removed mechanic, doing so was the best way to increase your chances of getting a drop since you’d be throwing out ludicrous amounts of damage)

Bosses were dead super fast in WoM the second multiple people got involved.

Until you got people hitting the boss once before you get there and then leaving.

I once had to solo a 9000hp Exiled :sob:



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As a participant, No indeed

this has truly been an arcane odyssey


Indeed my good friend



merchant and enchanter are left, something tells me they will be good.

Replace this with “Spirit weapons”


I feel like chef and shipbuilder are gonna be really useful for the dark sea

merchant is last hmmmmmm

maybe merchant was already made for now so he didn’t have to make it (Merchant uses same AI and algorithms as merchants on merchant boats)
