Thermo fist WOOOO
Fire fighting styles!
YEAHHH thermo lets goooooo
Also unsure if this was posted yet
350 galleon bag=big. 1 galleon bag=small.
Knockback on fighting style m1s got reduced
bro ainβt no way
vetex X pvz2 real???
grapeshot cannonballs were basically just smaller cannonballs fired in something like a sack that would make them split apart when fired. Mainly for getting rid of people on ships or smth
I read a book about weapons used in the revolutionary war in 'murican history class, which is why i remember this shit
haha they look like rabbit poopies
cannonballs are just big round explosive shits tbh
damn forum frogs took more than 2 minutes to post a leak that was sent in general
bro fr did the AR bug where dashing on a slope sent you to space