Remove Limb Loss

Remove Limb Loss
effort 3.866666666666667 15 quality 4.0 11 reasonability 4.6 20

As stated in the initial suggestion, I don’t think it’s possible to have proper limbs be re-added onto a Roblox character after they’ve been removed. In all of my years on Roblox, I’ve never seen it done. I’ve seen parts attached to the character and animated (cybernetic limbs), but these aren’t functional in terms of being part of the humanoid character model. As the player in AO is a modified typical Robloxian, I don’t think you can re-attach working limbs to them.

This system serves literally no gameplay purpose beyond
“lol you can’t use FS m1s or weapons anymore”

Nobody will miss it.


As a warrior i approve of this. Yesterday i lost my left hand and my scimitars m1 became 50% less effective without 1 sword. Thankfully it was my left anf not my right otherwise I would’ve been crippled and not been able to help my team

Surprised nobody’s said it before. Limb Loss is Dollar Store Cooking: a cheap mechanic meant for “immersion” that actually just sours the experience overall. At least reworking it so that it can actually mean something without being absolute ass would be nice.

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This could be kept if it was reworked in some way (such as an actual mechanic in battles instead of an rng thing from non-battle sources), but currently it has no reason to exist.

Perhaps awakened warriors can manifest an aura of the missing limb whenever they equip a weapon?
Say you’re missing an arm/hand, that hand comes back it’s in the form of a magic limb in the color of your weapons aura. So with vindicator this would be a blue hand or arm.


Cool, but Conjurers and Warlords are still crippled. Also, this would likely be very difficult to do, as weapons are attached to the player’s hand when equipped, which no longer exists.

Also, missing your right arm may prevent the usage of other items, meaning all classes experience problems. This is putting a band-aid fix on a literal amputation.

Healing potions could always regenerate limbs

I doubt it. I have never seen a Roblox game that properly re-attached a limb to a standard player model and have it work without it being an animated separate part.


Could always just, turn that limb invisible and then spawn in the arm if you want a limb to fall off or something. Then when you drink a healing potion, that arm will progressively reappear (no need to worry about attaching since it’s already attached).

Again, though, it begs the question as to why. Why exactly should we have to go through extra effort and be forced to use a consumable just because we got hit hard and failed an RNG check?

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You’re goddamn right.

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limb loss was okay as a crazy thing that happened if you fought stuff way over your level, but when combined with the totally random hp checks that lightning give in the dark sea it just turns into a random chance to no longer be able to play the game. i think both limb loss and lightning need reworked

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I’ll be honest - Limb loss is just not a great mechanic. At all. After losing my arm in many dark sea expeditions, it’s basically just a “lol, go back to bronze sea” from a random lightning bolt is just not great design.

We already have injuries planned, is limb loss really necessary?

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Snap “NAGH… HHHH… Prometheus blast it, I think my arm’s broken…” shhiiinnng “AARRGGHHH… well, guess I don’t have to worry about it being broken.”

Does make the injuries feel a bit redundant, doesn’t it? Especially when you can somehow have both the effects of a broken and a missing limb.

I mean didn’t hendrix say it that all fighting style users still use magic energy
So it could be flavored for them as “sheer f[xxxx] will” that they swing their weapons

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Neither of those are necessary. Injuries would do nothing good for the game and are a lazy way to make the player do side activities, while limb loss can either be completely laughable or outright makes you unable to play the game depending on what you’re doing, what stat build you have, and what limb was lost.

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That’s stupid I fucking love it

Limbs already regrow with a high quality healing potion, which sort of makes the whole suggestion invalid. just adapt