Rename Yuletide to Christmas event

Yuletide sounds cooler, case closed.

Vetex didn’t say they lost belief, he said the lore reason was the Greek gods were giving people the ability to shoot fire out of their hands, so people either ditched their old religion so they could have magic, or got wiped out by those who did

I was talking about the irl thing

They worship Cernunno.

No, they worship Greenwish and its will. Cernunno, just seems to be a prophet of whatever Greenwish is, see this quote from Cernyx. “Last I spoke with Cernunno, he said he was going far south of this sea to spread the will of Greenwish. Thou must defeat me in order to be worthy of facing him, however…” (to).

Work cited
to, Contributors. “Cernyx.” Arcane Odyssey Wiki, Fandom, Inc., 2024, Cernyx | Arcane Odyssey Wiki | Fandom. Accessed 2 Nov. 2024.

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I assumed this was more of a “spreading the good word of our religion named greenwish” thing.

Possible, but again I don’t think Cernunno is the figure of worship. Otherwise, the religion would more than likely be named for him.

He probably named it himself, given that he’s going around preaching the word.

I mean, religions don’t really have to be named after it’s founder or what they may worship.

Example: Atheistic Satanism.
It’s basically just regular atheism, but with morals.

Except that the majority are, or they’re named after the people who practice it. See Judaism, Christianity, Hellenism, ect. So Greenwish could just be the name of the organization, however, given the way it’s spoken of, I would think that whatever Greenwish is, is what the cult is worshiping. There’s another point in the favor of Greenwish being the entity of worship, the organization is called The Cult of Greenwish. Thus it’s more likely that Cernunno is just the prophet not the figure of worship.

Also cernunno has his own forest, he clearly isn’t opposed to naming things after himself

What if Jesus isn’t canon because Cernunno is a stand-in for him?

eeehhh, that seems pretty far fetched if i’m honest with you

I’m mainly joking, but it is a funny thought.
Especially considering that the Thorne Empire (I think that’s the one) could be based on places that has the religion of christianity.

I don’t think cernunno is a curse user, and mages don’t live for 2000 years

For the record, it’s only been, like, 1,800 years.
And why wouldn’t he be? Every super-duper character on his level is a curse user.

Or Carnevale

His kid doesn’t have inheritance

Neviro didn’t get anything yet.